Alright, so I mentioned earlier that I was overrun with giant mutant zucchini from my boyfriend's grandmother's organic garden. I wasn't kidding!

On the right is a regular store bought zucchini. On the left is the freaking huge home-grown zucchini! Do keep in mind too that my boyfriend - who is modeling the zucchini - is 6'2'' and all torso. The thing is as long as he is! I've barely even made a dent in the darn thing. I did, however, have a lot of fun making chocolate zucchini bread and waiting until people told me how good it was before I told them the secret ingredient!
I wasn't able to snap up any pictures of the zucchini bread; my friends ate it that fast! I used a recipe from recipezaar (found here: and made very few changes - I added in about 1/4c. of flaxseed and also underbaked it just a tad so that chocolate chips were like little surprises of melted chocolately goodness in the middle. Yummy!

This is something I whipped up as a quick snack/lunch the otherday, but it turned out so yummy and pretty that I had to take a picture of it and share!
Easy, Healthy, and Delicious Tacos!
1 or 2 handfuls of organic yellow corn tortilla chips (or more, depending on how hungry you are!)
Non-dairy sour cream (I used the non-hydrogenated Tofutti)
Roasted tomatillo salsa (I imagine regular salsa would work fine, but if you can get your hands on Trader Joe's tomatillo salsa, it works very well!)
Cherry tomatoes
Kalamata olives
Mix together the salsa and sour cream, using about half as much sour cream as salsa. Layer this on top of the tortilla chips. Top with everything else - or anything else you can think of! - and enjoy!
This, of course, was not so healthy... but it was delicious! It tasted just like the greasy oily treats you get from carnivals. I found the recipe on (where else) recipezaar, and changed it to make it vegan. It was surprisingly easy, and the substitutions worked great :) The original recipe can be found here:
Dutch Babies
3/4 c. soymilk
1/2 c. unbleached white flour
Egg replacer equal to 2 eggs
1 1/2 tbsp. sugar
1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
3 tbsp. non-hydrogenated margarine
1 tbsp. powdered sugar
Freshly cut fruit to top it with (as you can see, we chose blueberries and strawberries. Amazing combination!)
Preheat the oven to 450°
Mix together the soy milk, flour, egg replacer, sugar and vanilla. Put the margarine in the pie plate and place it in the oven just until it is melted - for me, this took only about 30 seconds. Make sure to check it every 15 seconds or so, otherwise you'll end up with margarine burnd onto your pan! Use a brush to spread the melted margarine all around the sides of the pan.
Slowly pour batter into hot pan; bake for 20 minutes; reduce heat to 350° and bake another 8-10 minutes, until the dutch baby is golden brown. Remove from oven and sprinkle powdered sugar over the top; serve immediately with fruit on top!
Alright, so none of these recipes are very current... I'm still playing catch up. These are all from about two or three weeks ago. I've got a lot of recipes to post!