I think that from now on I'll post every weekend and upload photos of all the food I made throughout the week. I'm pretty busy Monday - Friday with school and whatnot, but I've still been managing to cook my little heart out! Tommy (my boyfriend), and I are trying to cook macrobiotic twice a week, raw once a week, and just plain old vegan the rest of the time, only with less white flour and white sugar (we're trying to cut back). It's been working pretty well!

The infamous chocolate "oreo" cupcakes from Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World. I took these over to my friend's house for New Years. Her dad, who is Polish and extremely carnivorous/anti-vegan, gobbled one up before Sabrina revealed their secret. He still loved them anyway!

And people say that vegan food is dull! I hadn't really made any plans for New Years dinner, so I just threw some of the vegetables in my fridge in a pot to stir fry (carrots, bell pepper, cucumber, onion, and some garlic), along with some seasonings (lemon, Bragg's, and Vegit). I then cooked up some heirloom quinoa I found at QFC, of all places, and tossed them together. I topped it with some of the leftover raw cashew-tarragon "cheese" from the beet rawvioli. Very simple, very healthy, very delicious!

This was a very interesting recipe from the Real Food Daily cookbook - chorizo tempeh samosas, only that's not dough the samosas are made out of, it's mashed potatoes! The filling for this was absolutely delicious (carrots, peas, tempeh baked in soy sauce... yummy!) and since I'm a potato fiend, I gobbled it right up! It was a bit more work than I wanted to do on a school night, but this will be a great recipe for weekends.

Not the best picture, but these were the kava kava brownies from the Vegan World Fusion Cuisine cookbook, minus the kava kava because I couldn't find it (I just used water instead)! This is the closest thing you will ever find to a health food brownie - no white flour (it uses whole spelt), no white sugar (it uses sucanat), and no oil or margarine, plus it has flax seeds and raisins in it. I topped it with grated coconut and the Strawberry Sauce recipe from the same book, which was a bit too minty for my taste.

The two dishes we had for dinner two nights ago, from the Hip Chick's Guide to Macrobiotics. Neither look terribly appetizing, I realize, but both were really delicious and refreshing. The top is a mushroom barley soup with onions, miso, and lemon juice, and on the bottom is vegetables nishime (which means something to the effect of 'cooked in its own juices,' I think), and has parsnips, carrots, daikon radish, and onion in it (the green thing near the bottom left is a piece of kombu, which is supposed to help aid digestion, and since I had an upset stomach that night I thought, 'hey, sounds good!')

The last picture here (which is also relatively unappetizing and which my father was desperately trying to get out of) is of our raw food meal for the week - bell peppers stuffed with raw sunflower seed pate, from The Raw Gourmet. Well, it was
supposed to be stuffed with a sunflower seed pate, but I unfortunately forget to read that the sunflower seeds needed to be sprouted first (don't you hate that?). So I kind of threw something together instead, using walnuts and almonds with some olive oil and Braggs. I then mixed in a raw Asian Dressing, from the same cookbook, which had scallions, honey, ginger, and tahini (plus a few other things). This was really, really filling and actually very good too! For dessert we had frozen banana ice cream with raw carob sauce that I thought was awful but that my boyfriend Tommy loved. I didn't find it be particularly picture worthy.
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